Unique Uses for Potatoes
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Potato chips, mashed potatoes, twice-baked, cheddar spuds, or simply roasted potatoes… The possibilities for potatoes are deliciously endless. But potatoes are great for more than a side dish. Check out some of these crazy uses for potatoes!
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Rust: Use half of a potato to rub out the rust. Potatoes are acidic enough to make short work of rust, but not so acidic that they will ruin your stuff!
Grow Your Own: Have you ever noticed that potatoes will sprout, even in your pantry? Potatoes are super easy to grow. Just cut up one of your potatoes and plant it. It will begin to sprout in no time at all.
Get Out of a Sticky Situation: Did you know that potato juice will remove glue from your skin? Those super glue tubes can be leaky… just rub a potato on your hands to get the glue off!
Silverware: If you made mashed potatoes for dinner, don’t dump out that potato water just yet. Try letting your real silver take a bath in your potato-water first. The acids will help to remove the tarnish, and your silverware will look brand new!
Puffy Eyes: A stressful week with no sleep lead to puffy eyes? No problem! Slice a potato and lay them over your puffed up eyes. The potato will help to get rid of the puff, making you ready to face the day!
Soothe Your Skin: Raw potato can be very soothing for irritated skin. If you have a minor burn from making dinner or a bug bite, a bit of raw potato can be just what the doctor ordered to get rid of the itch.
Too Salty: If you soup is too salty, add a raw potato cut in half. The potato will help to absorb some of the salt, and change your soup from salty to superb in no time at all!
Shine Your Shoes: Take a potato and a warm, wet cloth. Rub your shoes with the potato, then buff with the cloth for a good, clean shiny shoe. It is cheaper than shoe polish!
Get Crafty: Do you remember making potato stamps as a kid? Cut a potato in half, carve out a shape and let your little ones dip them in paint and stamp them on paper! This is a fun way to make wrapping paper too!
Reader tips:
Pam S.: If you have a high fever. Slice up some potatoe and lay them on your forehead to draw out the fever! Must be a Hungarian thing! My Daddy did for me, and it works!
Plus, here are some awesome potato recipes:
http://www.hgtvgardens.com/potatoes/one-potato-two-potato-9-unusual-uses-for-potatoes http://www.care2.com/causes/10-surprising-uses-for-potatoes.html